You may be correct ignoranceisbliss (an excellent Living Colour song BTW). I just dont care anymore,this organization is not the truth,so whatever they do is just their thinking and has no relevance for me.
Chris Tann
JoinedPosts by Chris Tann
November 8th Special Meeting
by Chris Tann inanyone have any leaks on this three hour meeting we are having early november?.
by DATA-DOG init's amazing what you perceive, once you know ttatt.
today's wt mind-control session was an amazing example of cult mind control techniques in action!!
the program was about hearing jeehoobies voice!
Chris Tann
Data-dog, I noticed the same thing and thought how haughty of them. I pointed to a sentence for my wife, it said ' we should not let seemingly experts control our lives'. Funny, are not the GB considered "experts"? Yet many JW's let them control and micro-manage their lives. But I guess that sentence applies to everyone except them, because it is so evident that they are God's mouthpiece (huge sarcasm implied).
Ham had sex with his mother...
by JosephP inin genesis 9:22, it says, "ham saw his fathers (noah) nakedness.
" over the years i have heard many theories of waht that meant.
leviticus 18:8...20:11...and 20:20-21 says.
Chris Tann
Very, very observant. Excellent points to consider. I will look into this.
November 8th Special Meeting
by Chris Tann inanyone have any leaks on this three hour meeting we are having early november?.
Chris Tann
It was announced today at our meeting. I think it may be a video feed. We will be doing the WT. Ours will be Sat. so no meeting Sun. Yay!!!
November 8th Special Meeting
by Chris Tann inanyone have any leaks on this three hour meeting we are having early november?.
Chris Tann
Anyone have any leaks on this three hour meeting we are having early November?
NEWBIES are leaving like crazy! Be very afraid WT
by clarity in# 3 newbie post.
first of all, the newbies have set a record here!.
have you ever seen a 4pg post where 21 new members reply!
Chris Tann
Hi, joined this year,2014. Thanks.
Was the Biblical Canon Directed by God?
by Chris Tann inthis is a question a sincere christian may agonize over after learning that some books of the bible were rejected by certain early christian groups,while other books that did not make the canon were accepted.
also,when one realizes that so called inspired writers of the greek scriptures quote from apocrypha,that most christians reject today,one wonders if these writings that include these quotes should even be in the bible.. it is true that when it comes to the christian greek scriptures the canon has been closed for many centuries.
also, these books have been accepted by christians ever since the second,perhaps first,century.
Chris Tann
Phizzy: I did read the post from Doug Mason,it did not seem relevant to the topic. But thats my opinion. I have read alot on this subject,and I see good points on both sides. This is why I posted this topic. Iam just not confident to subscribe wholly to one side or the other. Hopefully more insight will be unearthed in the field of biblical archaeology.
Was the Biblical Canon Directed by God?
by Chris Tann inthis is a question a sincere christian may agonize over after learning that some books of the bible were rejected by certain early christian groups,while other books that did not make the canon were accepted.
also,when one realizes that so called inspired writers of the greek scriptures quote from apocrypha,that most christians reject today,one wonders if these writings that include these quotes should even be in the bible.. it is true that when it comes to the christian greek scriptures the canon has been closed for many centuries.
also, these books have been accepted by christians ever since the second,perhaps first,century.
Chris Tann
To: Howthebiblewascreated, I'm not sure why you think my original post assumes all 27 books were accepted in the second century,when I plainly listed the books and approximate date that some were doubted as inspired by Christian groups in the second century. Everything else you mentioned I would tend to agree with,except mabey the second revolt thing; only because I haven't given it a thorough investigation.
To: Data-dog, What I do know about Tarturas is that it was first in greek literature before 2Peter even wrote about it. The way it is described is the exact way Peter describes it,indicating he got his info on it from such source.Mabey it is real, but all we can go by is the writings of antiquity, and the earliest one that speaks of Tarturas is neither Jewish or Christian. Sure many fables or writings have good moral teachings,and we can learn from them as well. However,I was specifically speaking of Christian writings that for the most part have held authority with the church for many many years and still do. These we can use and base our faith on.
Was the Biblical Canon Directed by God?
by Chris Tann inthis is a question a sincere christian may agonize over after learning that some books of the bible were rejected by certain early christian groups,while other books that did not make the canon were accepted.
also,when one realizes that so called inspired writers of the greek scriptures quote from apocrypha,that most christians reject today,one wonders if these writings that include these quotes should even be in the bible.. it is true that when it comes to the christian greek scriptures the canon has been closed for many centuries.
also, these books have been accepted by christians ever since the second,perhaps first,century.
Chris Tann
Data-dog, The contents written by Paul and other canon writers are very well thought out in my opinion. If one reads them soberly and really thinks about what they are saying, you can learn alot and truly be encouraged to live a godly life. At times Paul puts too much emphasis on himself,which seems to be an error on his part. To me 2 Peter does not seem to be truly written by Peter,and includes what appears to be belief in a pagan underworld called Tartarus.
However if one puts that aside it seems the writer was a Christian and at best we can benefit from any moral teachings that are included in it. I do feel that early Christian writings should be considered, like the Didache and letters written by the church fathers. I also feel that Christian books of today should be read as well. Having said that, a Christian should carefully consider the contents of these writings and the credentials of the writer. I think the NT should be our standard in what other Christian writings are acceptable to study and apply. If any writing is out of harmony with the NT writings we should proceed with caution.
The NT writings are the earliest Christian writings we have,and have been universally accepted by most Christians for centuries. This is all we have to give us a foundational understanding of Jesus and the beginnings of Christianity. To: Givemejustalittlemoretime, I agree with you;the Bible in of itself cannot give us life. However it is the NT that has revealed the gospel of Christ to us, and we need to at least consult it to understand how to properly come to Christ and let him be revealed in us;as Col. 1:27 has revealed. Otherwise we are just making stuff up.
Warwick Building Project Fluff Stories
by bruh2012 intalking about an article that makes you want to throw-up in your mouth- wt-study jan 15, 2015 the offered themselves willingly.. amazing the psych job of selling your business, moving your entire family, quiting your job to be a "temporary" worker at the new world headquarters!.
throw your livelyhood away only to get the "feeling" that jehovahs is blessing you!
i wish there was away to track the psych job during patterson and other major projects of what happened to all the "friends" that sold and got rid of their livelyhood then and where are they now.. did you ever sacrifce it all for a building project only to be left with nothing after your "spiritual high"?.
Chris Tann
My son is mid teen. I will refuse him to go to Bethel without getting a college education. I told my wife that they can tell you to leave at anytime and if your not prepared they aren't gonna help you.